Managing Personal Finances Training Course

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About Managing Personal Finances

Most people want financial freedom, but they lack knowledge and skills of how to do it. Even the highest-paid employees can be buried in debt typically due to their inability to manage their finances.

About this Course

Most people know that a map can tell them how to get from point A to point B. A well developed budget is just like a map as it helps you reach your financial goals. You start at point A, and the budget helps you go the distance get to point B. And with the Managing Personal Finances course, participants will learn how to budget, and create a plan for their future.

Managing Personal Finances Course Outline

  1. Getting Started

  2. The Benefits of Budgeting

  3. What to Consider Before Creating a Budget

  4. Types of Fixed Personal Expenses

  5. Types of Fluctuating Personal Expenses

  6. Establish Your Goals

  7. Determine Where Cuts Can Be Made

  8. Tools

  9. Stick With Your Budget

  10. Additional Ways to Make Money

  11. Paying Off Debt

  12. Wrapping Up


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