Critical Thinking Training Course

On Demand Training > Personal Development Courses > Critical Thinking Training Course

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About Critical Thinking

Critical thinking refers to the process of analyzing and evaluating information to guide beliefs or actions. Business owners and executives take major actions every day, from hiring and firing to reviewing financial earnings reports, handling public relations crises, and more. Critical thinking helps ensure you arrive at the best possible answer to a problem, with buy-in from all interested parties.

About this Course

The Critical Thinking course helps participants to be a more rational and disciplined thinker. It will reduce their bias which will provide a greater understanding of their environment. This course will provide the skills to evaluate, identify, and distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information which will provide an incredible boost in performance.

Critical Thinking Course Outline

  1. Getting Started

  2. Components of Critical Thinking

  3. Non-Linear Thinking

  4. Logical Thinking

  5. Critical Thinkers (I)

  6. Critical Thinkers (II)

  7. Evaluate Information

  8. Benefits of Critical thinking

  9. Changing Your Perspective

  10. Problem Solving

  11. Putting It All Together

  12. Wrapping Up


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